What are you making?!?

roasted pig alla DH
BBQ pasta salad
deviled eggs
veggie tray and my peppercorn dip
fruit kebobs and fruit dip
baked beans
red white and blue fruit pizzas

I am making a triple batch of my sangria. Here is my recipe for a single batch:

4 bottles cheap red wine
1 bottle bacardi limon
1 cup sugar
1 can frozen fruit punch concentrate
assorted cut fruit ( I like grapes, oranges and apples)
Lots of ice

Thaw fruit punch concentrate. Mix all ingredients but ice in a very large beverage cooler. Let sit overnight. Scoop out fruit and serve it in a bowl next to the sangria. Pour over ice and enjoy! If it is too strong you can add water.

I only make this once a year at our 4th of July party, and I make A LOT because we have lots and lots of people coming
Armadillo Eggs

24 fresh, medium jalapeño peppers
1 pound mild pork sausage
2 cups Bisquick
1 16-ounce package shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon garlic salt
1 16-ounce package Monterey Jack cheese, cubed

Preheat oven to 325°F.

Cut a slit down the side of each jalapeño. Remove and discard the seeds and as much of the pulp as possible. Trim off the stems. Set aside.

Combine the sausage, Bisquick, cheddar cheese, red pepper flakes and garlic salt in a large bowl. Mix well.

Insert one or two cubes of the Monterey Jack cheese into each jalapeño.

Pinch off a portion of the sausage mixture and shape it around each jalapeño, covering it completely.

Arrange the eggs evenly on a greased baking sheet, and bake for 25 minutes until lightly browned.

Sometimes we fry them if we already have oil going like when we are doing Buffalo wings.
OMG, I have 60 people coming for the 4th. I am stressing a bit. My DH will buy steaks and salmon and chicken and marinate it. Also dogs and burgers. He is in charge of anything grilled. He will probably never leave the grill. I will have chips and dips, raw veggies and dip, crackers and Costco lobster dip, salsa and chips, DH's cousin is bringing empanandas, SIL#1 is bringing potato salad, rice and beans, and a rice pudding, SIL# 2 is bring lasagne, a green salad, and a cake. (haven't heard from SIL#3 yet). I will also make a pasta salad, lots of cut up fresh fruit (going to try grilling some pineapple slices with some brown sugar on them), garlic bread, an upside down cake, a flan, and some brownies. Soda, water, beer, maybe sangria or pina coladas if I have the energy and time. Phew! I hope I have enough food, without having tons of leftovers. If I panic, I might also order a 6 foot hero or something. There will be nothing fancy. My motto is KISS (keep it simple stupid!)
Here is Nifty-Chicken's recipe:

Here is the much anticipated recipe! I'll give you the original one and then tell you about our alterations.

I think the recipe I have was copied from my MIL's old Better Homes & Gardens cookbook, but it's not in my newer one so I'm not positive.

Porcupine Meat Balls

1 1/2 pounds ground beef
1/2 cup rice
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon chopped onion
1 10 1/2- or 11-ounce can condesnsed tomato soup
1/2 cup water

Combine meat, rice, salt, pepper, and onion. Shape in small balls. Blend soup and water, heat in your pressure pan until the mixture begins to simmer. (I usually whisk it at this point, to prevent scalding on the bottom of the pan) Add the meat balls. Cook at 15 pounds pressure for 10 minutes. Allow the pressure to go down normally.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Alterations: When we make this dish, we use at least double the amount of rice, usually more. We increase the pepper - closer to 1 or 1/2 tablespoon. We also increase the chopped onion. 1 cup would probably be yummy (We couldn't really taste the onion this last time and I used 1/2 cup). I also use way more liquid than the recipe calls for - partially because of the increase in rice, partially becuase we like the sauce. I used 2 cans of soup and about 5 canfulls of water last time. We also are both impatient and I don't think have ever "let the pressure go down normally." Shhh! Don't tell! Do whatever you're comfortable with. I don't want to be responsible for anyone's trip to the ER for pressure cooker burns.

I always have a July 4th party for my family (only 1 with a pool). This year I am doing the meat (pulled pork and beef BBQ) and drinks. Everyone else brings a dish.

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