What are you re-reading....


12 Years
Feb 15, 2007
Austin area, Texas
This is a slightly different topic than the "What are Reading?" threads. For me there are disposable books, and then there are books that are read until the pages fall out. I love to read, and I like to hear about what others are reading. This topic is for the books you love enough to read again and again.

I'm on a first read of The Girl Who Kicked a Hornet's Nest
I'm rereading Tanya Huff's Valor series in anticipation of the new book coming out.
I'm about to start a reread of Cold Mountain.

The Steig Larsson books are keepers, and I like Huff's Valor series. She seems to have light-hearted easy reads, and then stuff with more heft. The Valor series is more hefty, but very readable science fiction. I like Cold Mountain because it is a great story, and because the author's evocative style. His use of language makes me see all the pictures in my head.
"Story Books" as I call them, I tend to only read once, sometimes twice if it's been a while (and have forgotten most of the story). These would in include any fiction, romance, mystery, suspense, etc. A book that tells a story. However the Non-Fiction genre I tend to reread alot
I currently rereading my "Get Motivated" book by Tamara Lowe. Afterwards I am debating between rereading "the Dream Giver" or "A Purpose Driven Life". With non-fiction I have found that as I reread the book, there are things in there that didn't apply to me the first time I read it, so it didn't stand out. But reading it again, these little nuggets of info now are something I need and can apply to my life.
I liked the first "Cat Who....." books than the ones in the last few years. They seemed to get to formulaic to me, and I've found the newer ones don't hold my interest. The first few I really liked.

Every read Rita May Brown's Sneaky Pie books? More crime solving cats, with a corgi thrown in.

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