What are YOU thankful for this year?


9 Years
May 26, 2010
Yreka California
With this being the month of Thanksgiving, Im interested in what all of YOU are thankful for. It can be meaningful, funny, personal etc.... Eveyone has had their own struggles, especially this past year. Id like to hear how even through all the strife and struggle, we all still have things to be thankful for.

Let the posting begin!!

I am thankful.
I am 100% debt free.
I have a yard full of chickens.
I have the best job that I've ever had.

Something bad is sure to happen...
I am thankful that:
I have a family
I have been saved this Year
I have upped my self reliance
I am thankful for :
every "good" day my husband has had
that we didn't lose the bridge (again) to a flood
that we had no landslides
that I met a wonderful mentor on BYC
I am thankful for so many things...

Climbing our way out of debt
Son from China is starting to come around
Everyone is healthy
We still have our jobs

Now if we could just find a way to swing a 2nd car. Maybe tax time will work for the car.

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