What are you wearing!!!!????

I want one of those!
Blue jeans Black top with 3/4 length sleeves short white socks and slip on sandals. And a zippered front hoodie jacket with the word CAT on the front of it. It's not very warm here again.
Blue Jeans Rolled up into shorts cause it's way hot here in Texas. An Ankle Braclet with sea shells on it. Two twisties on my right arm. Hair is in a big, Huge Bun on the back of my head. Blue & Green T - Shirt.
My farm clothes, which I hate to admit is an old Cancer Run tee with the sleeves cut out and my bra shows pretty badly (good thing no one comes to see me, and even if they did, I don't care!! I AM getting old.) and black knit capris. I was just thinking about taking a hot bath, because I have been on the computer all week doing apprasials and my neck is killing me. . .I cleaned the barn and messed with the Alpacas quite abit this afternoon and tried to squeeze my one girl because I think she is pregnant too from the 20 min. free for all we had last Sept when DH had his head split open by a ladder in the barn area, and he forgot to shut the gate between the two pastures . . .and when I squeezed her, she tried to kick me. First time she has ever done that, and that just makes me more convinced she IS pregnant. Not what I planned, but I will take whatever baby she throws.

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