What are your pet peeves?

You must remember that all things are relative, Bee.

Using the turn-signal a little late?

Just be thankful they have working brake lights...
True, very true....
But allow me my little peef? He makes such a good pet!
Run on sentences. Which really should have a comma or semi-colon, it makes it grammatically correct. And thing's like this. Drives me nuts!!! In a certain series I was reading, there were tons of errors.

EDIT: And when people spout off their mouths without doing any research on the subject. Also, graphic novels. I HATE them.
And teenage girls. Well, not all of them!
I mean, like, DUH.
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or when someone types a massive post and never has a paragraph or capital letters or even punctuation and uses texting style language all thru out so that u cannot even begin to read what they are writing so u just go to another more easily read post because trying to fight yur way thru all the mispelings and poor grammar and the huge block of text is exhausting?


anuther peef!
red hen
I think you speak sense!

I find it exasperating when the enthusiastic traveller packs twenty kilos into his carry on
and checks in a small bag of clothes
and then takes everything out of his carry on and makes us bring back his luggage so he can put it in there instead
while the queue grows ever longer behind him
i HATE it when my glasses get smudged or bent.

and i hate dumb dogs that do dumb things.

lastly, i hate it when my ping on battleground europe WWII oline is really low and i run accross a street with a german tank sitting there and he shoots me and because of the low ping, i run into a building accross the street and think i'm safe, only to die.

and i also hate it when i run from a field resupply unit into a german owned town that is a least a good km or 2 away from that resupply unit and i get killed as soon as i gt in the town

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