What are your pet peeves?

My horse's registered name is Crazy Mizz Daizy
sorry. She is an Arabian so the name fits her well. She was only 5 1/2 months old when I got her so she was pretty crazy and still is.

I wanted Driving Miss Daisy but it was already taken.

So we went with the above, I won't write it again lol.
Haha, so long as you aren't a business with commercials and signs broadcasting all those "z"s, we're good. Those poor, poor "z"s... XD
Let's see..I have a few.

Trying to talk to someone who thoroughly ignores me because he/she is watching tv/on the computer/texting. Then the same person later wants, and expects, my full attention.

Employees on the phone while they are tending me

Drs offices who call you to say you have an appt tomorrow, with no forewarning, and expect you to be there.

Okay, I'm good for now.

Good question!
I'm guessing that most people breed their own...

Among others, mine is unattended children running around in stores like it's their personal playground.
I have been known to corral a ricocheting rug rat (generally after they've run a cart into my heels!), crouch down to face level so they can CLEARLY see my sincerity, and tell them to "find a bigger person who looks a lot like you, and STAY WITH THEM!"
staticy shower curtains
no money in my wallet
people poking or touching everything
no fresh air
itchy sheets
too much heat
noisy places
crowded places
noisy and crowded places

....many more pets....and I have alot of Achilies heels
People who kill things out of irrational fear.

Loud motorcycles, cars, trucks, etc.

Knowledgeable people who give short, terse answers that serve more to alienate than educate.

People who nitpick other people's grammar and/or spelling.

Self-righteous people who cannot accept there are other points of view besides their own.

People who do not follow through on their commitments.

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