What are your pet peeves?

One of my children mumbles to me all the time. I cannot understand mumbling. I ask him to repeat himself, and he says "nevermind". I hate having to repeat myself, which is the reason I don't mumble.

My driving pet peeve is when two lanes merge into one, and this car accelerates like crazy to get in front of you, then once the lane has merged, brakes until he/she is going 5-10 mph less than they were when they were behind you.

I cannot stand to be constantly corrected. This is specially true when someone is correcting you because your opinion doesn't match theirs.

I detest when people clog the toilet, and leave it for you to fix.

I hate when a person empties an ice tray, and does not refill it and put it back in the freezer.

When I have a very long day at work that everyone knows about in advance, and I arrive home at 10:00 pm, do not ask me what's for dinner. There are two weeks at work every year when I work hours like this (14-16 hour days). I would think, after 17 years, my family would be well versed in cooking for theirselves during these two weeks.

When someone tells me that they had to throw out half of the eggs that I GAVE them because they had a microscopic blood spot. Yes, this gets you taken immediately off of my free egg list.
My peeves:

Public restrooms with cheap paper towels. The ones that are so thin that they fall apart when you try to pull one out of the dispenser!

Automated phone calls that ask YOU to hold for a representative. Have a real person place the call in the first place.

Being asked a question by someone who interrupts me when I try to answer. Or being interrupted by someone asking a question that would have been answered by what I was trying to say.

Double standards
Liars and traitors. Now I'm not talking about the little white lies, though I don't agree with those either. I'm talking about things that people say to cover up for their actions that have a bearing on both people. The thing about lying is that you will be found out and it hurts the person you lied to soooooo much more than if you had told them the truth in the first place.

I also hate lip service, which really ties in with the whole lying thing. Don't tell people that you're going to do something and then not do it, or say that you support them and then do something that says completely the opposite.

Also hate it when people say that someone can't do something because of one attribute or another.
I have several, but one that really bothers me is when people don't respect the fact that I don't have a religion and try to convert me.
People who look at me strange if I say things like, "Oh, I don't want children," or "No, I probably won't be getting married anytime soon" they all look at me strange as if I'm some kind of freak because I don't like kids? I'm not the average female and they shuold know that by now
How about people who come in your yard, knocks at your door, wants to give a brochure about something to do with religion or politics, and when they leave they don't close your gate. This has also happened to me with kids. Kind of rude ya know.
I also never realized how annoying trick-or-treaters are. I've been doing it for years, how annoying I must have been.
when i hear people chew their food i can't stand it , specially chewing with your mouth open
Conversion is relative. Cracks me up how so many people knock on doors because they are required to. MY God doesn't have THAT many rules. I have a really funny story about JW's ignoring my warning signs.....
People who look at me strange if I say things like, "Oh, I don't want children," or "No, I probably won't be getting married anytime soon" they all look at me strange as if I'm some kind of freak because I don't like kids? I'm not the average female and they shuold know that by now

Haha, do you ever get the sympathetic looks, or the "oh, I'm so sorry for you"s?​

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