What are your pet peeves?

then you'd not like my brother; he often chews with his mouth open but claims that it is shut and he chews very very loudly
People who don't rinse of their dishes!! AAH! Or they put food from their plate in the sink! The sink doesn't eat these things!! gaah!
Haha, do you ever get the sympathetic looks, or the "oh, I'm so sorry for you"s?

yeeah. Or they assume there's something wrong down there
Conversion is relative. Cracks me up how so many people knock on doors because they are required to. MY God doesn't have THAT many rules. I have a really funny story about JW's ignoring my warning signs.....

Me too! We had just moved on three acres. We had three children, youngest was still an infant. JWs kept coming to my house and I told them not to return. They would sit in the driveway and honk because our lab/chow mix would bark at them. i explained to them that it was his JOB. I explained that it was rude for them to honk in the driveway; they were not welcome or invited; and that I wasn't going to drop everything to come running to greet them. The third time they came around I said "This is the third and FINAL time I will tell you guys not to come back. Next time I will greet you with a shotgun loaded with rock salt, and I will use it!" Never saw them again.
Office co-workers who stick their hand in the snack containers (bag of chips, peanuts, etc.that are purchased for the ENTIRE office). Why can't they just pour the snack out on a paper plate or napkin? Why infest the entire bag or container?!

Smokers who throw cigarette butts out of their window. Especially those who throw their LIT cigarette butt out at the fast food restaurant drive through line and I am stuck in the line and can't move and have to inhale the smoke (even with the windows up) and get a sinus infection. I have a bionic nose and can smell a scent a mile away.

Cashiers who sneeze and cough in their hands and try to give me my change back with that germy hand. (I always ask them to get another cashier who can give me my change.)

People who reach over me while I am eating.

People who make sounds (breathing hard AND loud) while they are eating and eat with their mouth open.

People who complain and THINK that they are ALWAYS sick (hypochondriac) and have to always go to the doctor.

People who come to my house and honk the horn for me to come out to see what THEY want. DUH, YOU came to see ME!

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