What bedding do you use?

I've only been keeping chickens for a few months, but I've tried shavings, hemp (yes, we use hemp, it's like another type of shaving) and maize lump things. The maize did absolutely nothing. It just made really sticky pooey lump that the chickens got frustrating picking out from between their toes. The hemp smelt lovely, was nice and soft, but quickly got flattened, and didn't seem as absorbant as the package made it out to be. The wood shavings are absorbant, prevent odour for longer, don't squash as much, but cause LOTS of dust. I'm going to sieve them before using, next time.

ETA: fallen leaves in the run: perfect.
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I agree. Pine shavings work very well in the coop, and hay flakes are the perfect size for the nesting boxes. The little peepers have been going in the boxes to bury the eggs, but it's like easter every day!
Pine shavings are too expensive to buy for the chickens so I use plenty of dried leaves not that is fall. Rake and dump. I rake dried leaves into bags for storage. Not as nice as shavings though.

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