What bedding is best for ducks?


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
I am hoping to get two pet ducks sometime in the next few months and become a first time duck owner. Because I have no experience, I need advice on what to use as duck bedding! I am looking for something that does not require extensive cleaning every day. I have done lots of research and I am leaning towards pine pellets. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I use the pine shavings. They don't seem to want to eat the large shavings as they do the smaller stuff. Ducks are messy, no matter what your use.
I've used rags for when they are newly hatched and pine shavings etc
But some relatives of mine work in an office and shred their paper/news paper daily, and just bring that home to use for their ducklings
I use pine shavings....the large kind. My ducks enjoy nestling in it. Ducks are pretty messy regardless of their environment, so cleaning up just comes with the territory I think. But the ducks are such fun charaters that they make it worth it.
For those of you recommending pine shavings, have your ducks tried to eat them? I'm worried about the choking hazard.
We use pine shavings and change them about once a week to ten days, sooner if it's really muddy out. Then I compost the shavings, though I just got to thinking I should make manure tea with it instead...
I used pine shavings while they were in their brooders but now that they're outdoors I have a sand/gravel run for them and I put some wheat straw for them to bed in. They love getting new straw - they dig around in it and fluff it up to where they like it. Silly things!

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