What breed and gender are my chickens? They are 6 weeks in these pics.


7 Years
Apr 20, 2012
Please forgive me I am very new at this. I am pretty sure the top left is a Rhode Island.

Here are some more pics.

I am new as well. I have a Black Australorp that looks like the lower left one, black with the red chest feathers and also have a White Leghorn that looks like your white one. Sorry can't help with the other two.
I am new as well. I have a Black Australorp that looks like the lower left one, black with the red chest feathers and also have a White Leghorn that looks like your white one. Sorry can't help with the other two.

Black Austrolorps are all black, that is a black sexlink. The others are gold laced wyandotte possible cockeral, production red (hatchery RIR) cockeral, BSL pullet, and white rock or possibly leghorn pullet. It looks a little thick to be a leghorn. You will be able to tell when it gets older. Leghorns are thin, have large floppy combs, and lay white eggs. Rocks are heavier, have smaller combs, and lay brown eggs.
Where did you get these babies from?

Looks to me like you have a red sex link, a tetra tint or a white rock, and 2 black sex links (possibly 1 GLW).

Those are my guesses for your babies.
your bottom two are white rock and sexlink...both look to be pullets but could be wrong on that.
Top Left -- Is a cross Hen (Wyandottes have Rose Comb and Yellow legs) Top Right -- Production Red Rooster
Bottom Left -- Black Sex-link Hen Bottom Right -- Production Type White Rock Hen

Thank you for the quick responses everyone! It sounds like the consensus is that most of them are hens and that maybe Teddy the top right is a Rooster. This is a bummer, because I can not have a rooster. Happy to know what breeds they might be. I am in Tucson, Arizona and I got my babies at Vaquero Feed. They told me what I was getting when I was there, but I was so excited to be getting chickens I forgot. I am really loving this! Thanks again everyone!

Here are pics from today at 8 weeks. Do you still feel the same?


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