What breed and gender are these?

Adolfo Sanchez

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 30, 2013
Pensacola, Florida
Hi everyone, I have a couple questions, I got these to chickens as babies about four months ago, without knowing the breed or the gender, could you guys help me out, I'm very sure the first one is a rooster, and I would think the second one is a hen if it wasn't for the tail feathers, they look very rooster to me, any inputs? what breed do you think they are? and are they the same breed? Please help. :)

I think the top is a roo and the bottom photo is a hen (even with the funky tail feathers...which could be from molting, just weird feathers, or the roo pestering her too much).

As to breed...I'm not sure. They don't look like my Delawares, might be Light Sussex?

I leave the question to breed to others.

Lady of McCamley
They could be hatchery quality Delawares, or they could just be mixed breed birds with barred ancestry. The first one is a rooster, the second I'm thinking hen but not positive. Why are their feathers so bad looking? Do they have more space than those cages?

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