What breed and gender? (UPDATED WITH CURRENT PICS -- YET AGAIN!)


Apr 6, 2010
Wake County, NC
I have four chicks that my broody Leghorn, Stewellen, hatched on July 1. The eggs were not hers; I bought fertile ones. I know that one chick is a Polish tophat and two are Rhode Island Reds (or some variation thereof), but I have a gray mystery chick. Can anyone tell me what breed this gray chick is? And any guesses on the gender of any of them? I suspect that the gray one is a roo, but I don't do a great job of guessing chicken gender....even with 50-50 odds!

Blue chick

Red #1

Red #2

Polish Tophat

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The mysterious grey one is a lavender
Orpington or a blue Cochin! Look them both up and see what resembles it the most!!!!

Red 1- hen

Red 2- hen

Polish top hat- ???????????????
I disagree. I think the blue is a roo, as is red #1. #2 is definitely a girl. They look like production reds, or maybe New Hampshires. Your golden laced polish is in that weird stage where it might be a girl still. Wait a couple weeks and if the head feathers get messier, it's a boy. If they get neater and more rounded, it's a girl.
Red #1's saddle and tail feathers make me think roo too. I think girl on red #2 and am I'm leaning toward roo on the blue chick- but can't see his tail. I have no clue for the Polish.
I agree that the blue chick is probably a roo. The comb and wattles seem way too big for a pullet that young.
Thanks for the replies. I will see if I can get better pics today and see if that makes any difference on the red ones. Thanks for the info on the name for the Polish......I don't know where I got tophat from! As for the gray chick, I had been thinking blue orpington, but I hadn't considered lavender. Also, I hadn't thought of blue andalusian. The blue cochin had crossed my mind, but this chick does not have feathers on his legs as I thought those did.
The chicks are a couple of weeks older, and I wonder if there are any more opinions or observations on gender. And I still wonder what Bluey is....I would love for him/her to be a Blue Orpington or Andalusian, but perhaps he/she is just a mutt? I will post them in the same order I posted them initially.

Bluey is first...




DarkRed next...


Light red is third...



La Foo is last.....


Lastly, I have a few groups pictures. I am sorry, but I may have the red chicks mixed up. They are really hard to tell apart!

Stewellen (the broody Leghorn) and Bluey. You can get a view of Bluey's front here...


All four chicks....



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