What breed are my baby bantams?


Jul 24, 2016
Worksop uk
Hi there! A kind farmer recently gave the nursery I work at some bantam eggs to incubate and hatch. Out of the 7 definates that were fertilised, 4 hatched successfully on their own, 2 needed help as they were shrink wrapped in the membrane and one we lost sometime after pipping :( heartbroken. Anyways, the two that needed help are fine but had funny looking feet, I imagine from being stuck in the same position. After a bit of research (and I believe I found the answer on here somewhere!!) I strapped the feet up with plasters to try and correct them. I've removed the splints today and they're both looking good! The worst of the two can now bear weight on that foot! I'll check again tomorrow but fingers crossed its little toes stay put! Anyways, I was wondering what kind of bantams we have?? They're all pretty much the same, one is a slightly lighter lemony colour, but they all have a reddish goldeny colour to their heads. Any help is greatly appreciated! I'm a first time chick mamma so if it looks like I'm doing something wrong please let me know! I love them all so much, funny little babies :)
Thankyou, Kelly x


Ooo they're both pretty kinds! I managed to get this pic of the oldest one, it hatched last Monday and has some patterning coming through in the wings...

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