what breed are my ducklings


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Nope. Your little ducks will all be all white. If you get to know them well, you should be able to tell them apart by their personalities.
Thanks but do you guys know how old they are the guy said that theu were not started what dose that mean?? And when can they eat regular duck food?and when can they go outside??
They look very young, perhaps a week old or less. You should get crumbles or non-medicated chick starter because ducklings are prone to choking and need smaller food. you can also soak food.
They are Pekins. They are quite young. At around two or two and half weeks, you'll notice the bills get longer and they lose that fuzzy baby look. The right photo the ducklings are one week, the left one they are two weeks. These guys are eating non-medicated chick food.

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