What breed are these babies?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
They are five weeks old and so pretty!
Beeper and Sully (named by my 3 yr old) are the two white fluffy chicks in front with feathered feet and legs. What are they?
I agree, they appear to be Frizzled White Cochins. I'm guessing that at least the one in the foreground of the photo is a rooster.
Cute little White Frizzle Cochins. The one in back is a pullet, but the one in front in the photo is probably a cockerel.

This is the one in the foreground of the first picture I posted. Now 8 weeks old. Can I just say how beautiful I think he is?!!
frizzle cochin and a pair. you how ever can not breed them together without having feather issues you can breed them to smooth feathered birds and get a 50/50 split of frizzles and smooth feathered babies

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