What breed are these babies???


May 8, 2015
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There are a couple of possibilities on your little ones. For the first bird (front and center first photo), what color are it's legs and can you describe or take a photo of the comb area so we know what type of comb it is going to have?
Your second bird looks like it has "poofy cheeks" - is that true or is it just a matter of angle on the photo? If the cheeks are poofy my first guess would be Easter Egger.
Were these purchased from a farm store, ordered from a hatchery or did you receive them from a private person?
Her legs are a pinkish color all 6 chicks have regular colored legs. She has yellow feathers with brown... Not sure about comb have to research that . I am new to this. The second, yes puffy cheeks. I got two of these and one has feathers on its legs. I purchased them at a farm store brown ones were marked Americana and yellow and brown marked brahma... I'm not sure about breeds being correct... At any rate they are adorable! Thank you for any input I appreciate it!
Welcome to BYC!
There are a couple of possibilities on your little ones. For the first bird (front and center first photo), what color are it's legs and can you describe or take a photo of the comb area so we know what type of comb it is going to have?
Your second bird looks like it has "poofy cheeks" - is that true or is it just a matter of angle on the photo? If the cheeks are poofy my first guess would be Easter Egger.
Were these purchased from a farm store, ordered from a hatchery or did you receive them from a private person?
Welcome to BYC!
There are a couple of possibilities on your little ones. For the first bird (front and center first photo), what color are it's legs and can you describe or take a photo of the comb area so we know what type of comb it is going to have?
Your second bird looks like it has "poofy cheeks" - is that true or is it just a matter of angle on the photo? If the cheeks are poofy my first guess would be Easter Egger.
Were these purchased from a farm store, ordered from a hatchery or did you receive them from a private person?
Her legs are a pinkish color all 6 chicks have regular colored legs. She has yellow feathers with brown... Not sure about comb have to research that . I am new to this. The second, yes puffy cheeks. I got two of these and one has feathers on its legs. I purchased them at a farm store brown ones were marked Americana and yellow and brown marked brahma... I'm not sure about breeds being correct... At any rate they are adorable! Thank you for any input I appreciate it!

Okay - so the "Ameraucana" is your Easter Egger - it's a common misrepresentation. Ameraucana are a pure, recognized breed of bird that lays blue eggs and meets certain breed standards. Easter Eggers are mixed breed birds (hybrids, if you will) that have some blue egg laying parentage mixed with a more common production breed that lays brown or white eggs - the resulting chicks (EE) will frequently inherit the blue egg gene and lay blue or green eggs, but some will take after the other side of their parentage and lay cream, pinkish(form of brown) or brown eggs. There is no one standard for EE because they are mixed using one of a few breeds on the blue side and pretty much any breed on the other side so the resulting birds can vary widely in appearance. The good news is that they tend to be better layers than pure Ameraucana due to them having high production strain birds mixed in them. Unless you are looking for pure birds, want to get into breeding/showing, etc and you are just drawn to the pretty eggs, EE are hte way to go, imo.

Does the one that was marked Brahma have feathered legs? She really doesn't look at all like a Brahma to me. Actually, do the ones behind it in the photo have feathered legs? If they are as differently colored (darker) than the front bird as they appear, and have feathered legs, I would say they *might* be Dark Brahmas - but it could just be the lighting of the picture. Several different breeds have chicks that are "chipmunk marked" (the pattern on this chick).
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No she does not have feathered legs . However one of the EE's due! Does this mean anything? I don't care what they are.... They are adorable!

Thank you so much for the help!

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