What breed are these hens?

The red and the one in the last pic both lay greenish blue eggs. The orange has yet to lay. So... Easter Egger, Buff Orpington and a bantam Wellsummer?
How old are these birds? I ask because my Buff Orp is huge...really really large...Way larger than any EEs I have seen...Then again there isn't anything for size comparison, and it does look like a buff orp in coloring and build, but very small.
She's actually fairly small. I looked up of pics of Orpingtons and she doesn't seem nearly as big. I'll try to ger a better pic with a size comparison. The barred one, the EE, and the buff all hatched in the last few days in July and started laying last week (except the buff).
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Mine is gigantic. She is my largest chicken if I don't count my huge White Rock rooster. She did wait til she was almost 10 months old to start laying though, so saying that the other 2 are laying and that one isn't seems right...she does look like one, only smaller.
It may just be that she gets less food than the others, I haven't really noticed. Maybe she kepps her feathers slimmer.
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do you have a pic of your barred one? theres 2 different breeds it could be a barred rock or a cuckoo marans...or something completely different
This is the best pic I could get now, my chickens are asleep. The one looking straight at the camera is the one you're talking about.

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