what breed are these??


6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
Peyton, Colorado
I was given these beautiful hens but some of them i cant make out... One looks like a Rhode island Red and a barrel Rock ... not 100% sure and wanted to be sure... was told they are 7 months old , they are laying eggs... Thanks for any help...

Look at your black and white hens' feet and combs and compare them with photos of cuckoo marans and dominiques as well as barred rocks. The red could be a Rhode Island Red or it could be a "production red". The penciled one that is so pretty-- I can't think of what it is, but it sure is beautiful! The tan/black one, I have no clue.
The black and white ones appear to have a rose comb and the black/white bars appear jagged. Looks Dominicker. Barred rocks have a single comb and bars are more defined.

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