What breed at these?

Mixed breed, looking like a pullet for now.
Ameraucana? Her feet are not dark though so I can't tell. EE?

Mixed breed, leaning towards cockerel.
Clueless on this pretty girl.. any guesses?

Leghorn mix, probably a pullet.
Possible Delaware? Starting to get light gold feathers on her chest and gray feathers on wings and back

Mixed breed, probably has some Dominique in it. Not sure on gender.
Thought she was a barred but she's getting red feathers

Ameraucana? Her feet ARE slate.Easter Egger, looks like a pullet for now.
Your black chick is probably a Jersey Giant.
Updated pictures on a few..

I didn't have a picture of this girl before but can you tell me what she is? I though NH red but her feet are dark.

EE or Ameraucana?

I thought this one was a Delaware but she is turning a light shade of gold.

still trying to figure out what the little black gal could be. The only bird I'm almost 100% certain of are the barred.

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