What breed? Chickens at the shelter


9 Years
May 20, 2010
San Diego
My friend works at the shelter here in San Diego and took photos of some chickens that were brought in last week- I was wondering if anyone could identify the breed of these guys? She said the rooster was pretty big- so he is probably not a bantam. Not sure about then hens, from the photos they look a bit like game mixes- but I'm no expert. Thanks for your help!



(sorry about the sideways pics- they were right ways up on my desktop but uploaded sideways)
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The rooster looks like an American Game and so doesn't the hen closest to the wall (right next to the cage).
The hen right in front of the cage looks like a Black Sex link to me, though I could be wrong (she could be an American Game as well).
The two ones on top of the cage look to be sussex to me.
Dubbed: comb has been shaved/cut/ off. They are definitely game type chickens. What will happen to them?
Thanks for all the responses, my friend said they will be moved to the South Shelter (which handles live stock) and they will be put up for adoption- so if you live in San Diego and are interested these guys might still be available! Very pretty birds, if I had more room I would take them!

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