What breed chickens do I have? And I think one may be a rooster?? Help!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Ok so we bough 6 chicks back towards the end of February and we aren't really sure what breeds they are and we think we may have a rooster amongst our hens! There are 4 white ones all about the same size then we have two brown ones and one is much larger than the other but the smaller one is even smaller than the white ones. I think I heard the larger one try to crow twice one day but haven't heard it since then. The larger brown one also has lots of green coming in on it's back near its tail feathers! I can upload more pics if needed but I think these should give a good idea of what they look like! I was told they may be Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds but I am no expert and neither are the people who have told me this. This is our first go round with chickens! And this large brown one is the only one that has a huge crest and all the red like that.

Thanks I was looking at breeds and across the Black sex link chickens and it kind of looks like that. And maybe leghorns as far the white ones go but I was thinking white rocks for sure! Thanks guys and I was afraid it was a rooster now I have to find some way to separate it so I can eat the eggs and not have them fertilized!!!
Looks more like a Barnevelder. Does the hen lay any eggs yet? You definitely have one roo and one hen. RIR have white earlobes and lay white egss. It's more of a partridge coloring.
They aren't laying eggs yet. They were born in February so I'm not sure when they start laying? I heard as early as 9 months so we still have a little while and I looked of Barnevelder and that's what they look like! I looked up the Partridge Rocks too and they look like those in some pictures but not like them in others! And thank you everyone!
That's a rooster, but all the others look like hens. A rooster isn't always a big deal, I've had quite a few and only one "problem" roo.
I'm going to agree they look like partridge and white rocks. The white ones look too thick to be leghorns, and those aren't rirs with feathers like that.
Yea we weren't too worried about having a mean rooster but more of about what we are going to do with him! We don't want a bunch of fertilized eggs and we don't really have anywhere to separate him and keep him. We would let him run around but our neighbors are stupid and let their dogs run around everywhere. Our other animals are great with the chickens so we aren't worried about that...it's everyone elses animals and we have foxes and coyotes where we live so I don't want them to get hurt!
The white chickens do look like Leghorns. And the larger brown chicken definitely looks like a rooster. No idea on the breed of the brown chickens.

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