what breed do you like

Depends entirely on what you want them for.

But just off the top of my head? I'd say magpie. Or ancona. Or welsh harlequin. Or call. Or runner. Or.... wait....

Okay, let's go with magpie for a minute:

1. They're gorgeous. Stunning black, blue, or chocolate on a black background. Classic duck shape.
2. They're great layers. My Holderread magpie stock started laying right at 5 months and are giving me an egg a day even in November.
3. They're gorgeous. Everyone who comes to my backyard asks me what they are and remarks on their stunning looks.
4. They're calm. Very docile ducks.
5. They're gorgeous. But I might have mentioned that already.
6. They're good (but not great) foragers, providing a lot of their nutrition for free (but you still have to offer a good diet)
7. They're gorgeous.
8. They're gorgeous.
9. They're very unusual--quite a conversation piece.
10. Oh yeah, and they're gorgeous.

Down sides: they're supposedly not great mothers (don't know from experience--mine are still young); although large enough to eat, they'd still make only a small meal for a family; they might be hard to find locally, but Holderread Waterfowl has gorgeous stock available at reasonable prices if you order in advance

But really, there are so many wonderful breeds, and it all depends on what you like.
I knew I wanted layers...so my first go was Khaki Campbells.

I really enjoyed their chattiness and the eggs we got from them. I liked how easily they herded back into their pen when I was ready to put them away for the night.

Now I have a 5 week old Rouen and a 5 week old Blue Sweed. They are THE bravest in my bunch..which also includes 6 week old Welshies and a Cayuga...so I LOVE that. They are the first to run to me when they see me with "goodies"
, but the Welshies are the chattiest...which I dearly love as well. I love it when I call out "Duck-Duck" and they call back "Quack-Peep-Quack!"
My little Cayuga (Kala) is quiet and watchful, but sweet and beautiful...she is just getting her big girl feathers which show a beautiful green and blue hint on them. She *will* quack and when she does it is VERY loud, LOL. I got the Welshies for eggies again and the Sweed and Cayuga for fun.

ANYWAY...all that prattling on means to say that I think any duck is a good duck!
All with their own charms and good points!
Hello Annarie!
It seems like you have not been here in a while?
I have missed seeing those wonderful dutch hookbills.
and that is some kind of curved bill on lexie!

Call ducks, definitely calls... loud mouth ducks vocally demanding attention; drakes that reply with a soft and raspy "yes dear". They are small and remind me of bath tub toys. Gentle - easily herded - adicting - come in oodles of colors. Being such little waterfowl toys, they are delighted with a kiddie pool for their water games. I have 2 dozen of them and want to increase my flock, but there are no more to be found in my area.
Annarie, The Dutch Hookbills are so cool! Hold me back, I'm about to tell Snakeman that I want some of those too.
Welsh Harlequin or muscovy or runner duck or blue swedish

Also iamcuriousitycat - can u please post some pics of the duck you were describing?

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