Hello!! Hi!! Long time lurker coming out of hiding...
I have a conundrum I'm hoping you can help with... That is, what breeds, and how many should we (as rank beginners) start with? Space isn't an issue for us as the coop we have designed will easily be 10 x 10. And we have lots of room for hoop houses.
No, it's more about - what makes sense for getting your feet wet - figuring out if chickens are for you? I want both eggs and meat. Though I hesitate on the meat until I can locate someone who can teach me how to process (see my note in the Meat section). If I start with just a few (we're thinking 6) - I can easily get them from the local feed store - but they don't stock meat breeds, and they only get pullets. But, if I get Orpingtons and/or Rocks - then I could use them for meat too?
Or maybe I just go for it and get a mixed box of 25? I'll have no trouble getting rid of excess eggs and meat. But, 25 feels like it might be too much for a newbie.
Sheez. I'm so conflicted. Help!

I have a conundrum I'm hoping you can help with... That is, what breeds, and how many should we (as rank beginners) start with? Space isn't an issue for us as the coop we have designed will easily be 10 x 10. And we have lots of room for hoop houses.
No, it's more about - what makes sense for getting your feet wet - figuring out if chickens are for you? I want both eggs and meat. Though I hesitate on the meat until I can locate someone who can teach me how to process (see my note in the Meat section). If I start with just a few (we're thinking 6) - I can easily get them from the local feed store - but they don't stock meat breeds, and they only get pullets. But, if I get Orpingtons and/or Rocks - then I could use them for meat too?
Or maybe I just go for it and get a mixed box of 25? I'll have no trouble getting rid of excess eggs and meat. But, 25 feels like it might be too much for a newbie.
Sheez. I'm so conflicted. Help!