Nova Scotia breeds


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
Hello all,

We have moved from the city in Ontario to a rural 1 acre property (purchasing more land in the future) in Nova Scotia. We are new to raising chickens and are just starting with some laying hens. Meat birds next year. In regards to laying hens, I have done a lot of research, but wanted to ask and see if people in a similar climate to ours, what breeds you found were best suited.

Thank you! 😀
Oh, I will say, for colder climates larger breeds with smaller combs and wattles will do better. For warmer climates smaller breeds with larger combs and wattles will do better.
I'm in NS. I'm able to keep larger single combed roosters with minimal frostbite in the winter with lots of ventilation. This was all the frost bite I saw on my rooster this past winter. The hens were all fine. I'm near the highest point in elevation on mainland NS. I have the whole front side of my building and back side, at the top open by about a foot with wind guards.


the front and back are the same, but I didn't have the box up in the front for the picture. The openings are covered with hardware cloth to keep the critters out.
A lot of it too, is what breeds you can find around here. Have a look on that's where most ppl buy and sell chickens around here. There are usually Barred rock, Marans, Orpington, Easter eggs, and mixes.

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