What breed is a plain orange chick? (sorry no pic)


12 Years
Nov 13, 2007

I went by to the feed store and saw some orange day-old chicks. I thought, hey, these might be egg-layers. Sorry I didn't take a pic, I forgot my camera at home. The chick is quite small, orange, quite "furrier" than the others, who are cornish X's. Can you "breedenize" these chicks for me?

Thanks in advance!
I hope you're right!

Orps and Reds...............must have!

Can you post some pictures of these breed chicks you speak of? Thanks!

Sorry for the picture inconvenience!
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Thanks to all the help and the cute pics!

I went to the feed store to ask more about them. They call it, "sunshine chicken". Weird......when the saleslady said the name it's like she's guessing.......Their price is doubled from the cornish, and are said to be imported. She also said they grow big, as big as turkeys. She doesn't know if they lay eggs, though.........I wanna have some, but my parents doesn't want to have more because this means more wood shavings.........they do like the chick because they think it's cute, but they don't like it because they will grow big and look intimidating. I want some! Oh, and I finally got some pics (I made a mistake on the color; they're brown!):








Take note of the beak: The tip of the beak is red in color.

It's smaller than the cornishes.

After the visit on the store I was going to the other one to see some guinea fowls, but I accidentally spained my leg over a ledge! So painful..........I can't walk back home because it's too far away so I rode a cab.......

Can you tell the breed? I'm thinking of building a special brooder for them......after my leg's ok, of course.........

Thanks in advance!

Those pics are irresistable! (yours, not mine)
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Hey, just did a research on "sunshine chicken". It's a chicken recipe!!!! I knew there was something chickeny about that name.........

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