What Breed Is My Chicken?


Apr 16, 2017
I purchased this bantam from Tractor Supply. The guy told me she was a silkie but it was obvious after about a week she is not. She is about 5 weeks old now. She is feather footed. My guesses were cochin or brahma. But I am new to owning chickens so any help would be appreciated! She is not quite pure white like my leghorn. Almost like a off white. Thank you. Oh by the way, her name is clementine...

I'm thinking maybe a porcelain d'Uccle. She looks a little skinny for a cochin or brahma. I love her name! She is ADORABLE!!! :) You might be able to find out what hatchery the store ordered her from, and then see which bantams they sell. Hope this helps!

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