What breed is my chicken?

Hatchery employees may not know one breed from another. Most hatcheries do not raise many of the chicks they sell, but purchase EGGS from folks that they trust are sending the correct breed and variety??????While Hatcheries do a great job of hatching eggs (that they cannot see inside those eggs), and we need Hatcheries for our egg layers and fryers and broilers, (that are mostly specific crossbreeds to their "secret" combinations that produce the best layers available (for just several years laying). The other breeds, they may see only as hatchlings and many are not possible to identify at hatch (same color, same size, etc.), and they do their best to keep breeds of the chicks separate at hatch. They select from the THOUSANDS and thousands that hatch each day, and MUST ship at HATCH, those chicks that we order. This is why do many folks ASK "what breed is this", when a mix of different breed chicks is received. No one can be CERTAIN, with some breeds/varieties, until they have enough feathers and shape to be quite certain of their breed. They have been pulled from different mounds of chicks that are labeled by breed. And mostly, it doesn't matter, if you want a flock of different breeds. Yours was an unfortunate error by an employee, who certainly did not intend an error, but if your birds are all of another breed, it WAS AN ERROR. What to do? ??
Somebody probably grabbed white chicks from the wrong bin. It's an easy mistake to make, since they do look identical as chicks. These sort of mistakes do happen on occasion. Take photos of all your birds and send the hatchery an e-mail including the pics and your invoice and ask for a refund and replacements. Then enjoy some chicken dinners.

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