What breed is my chocolate chicken??


9 Years
Sep 29, 2010
Ft Myers Florida
Oh help...I love my Anna. But I'm at a loss as to what kind of chicken she is. Her coloring is chocolate - a deep brown (you can't see it really in any of my photos..)

From the picture it looks like a Blue Cochin. ( it doesn't look Brown or Chocolate ) You might want to post a bigger picture...

From the picture it looks like a Blue Cochin. ( it doesn't look Brown or Chocolate ) You might want to post a bigger picture...


I agree. It may be that she is getting ready to molt her old feathers which can take on a brown color.
Shes a "solid chocolate brown". As to molting, I don't think so, shes always been this color. She does have a few feathers on her feet....

I'm sorry, my Anna and I are BFF's. I could never part with her....
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I pulled this picture from your personal page...


She's a blue Cochin, I'd almost bet my life on it. Like a previous poster said, the "brown" color you're now seeing is sometimes called "brassyness" (sp?). Blue colored birds have a tendency to become brassy when they're exposed to a lot of sunlight, etc.

Def. a Blue Cochin though.

ETA: IF it's not brassyness, then it could be some sort of gold leakage due to the bird being a crossbreed. Did you get your girl from a hatchery, or feedstore?
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That is my Anna in the photo on my web page. Her color though is definitely chocolate...as in the first posted photograph. I understand the term 'brassy" but that is not Anna.
She looks like chocolate milk and always has....
I just haven't seen one like her....

I will take a better photo....
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I would agree with the leakage due to having 2 colors of cochins crossed here...she's a pretty girl! Sounds even prettier in person!

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