What breed is my rooster or is he just a mix breed??

These pictures do not do him justice but we don't have our outside pen set up from our move to the new house so it was takin inside the building...I was told he is about 1-1.5 yrs old ..he doesn't look it in these pics but he is a fairly large fella..he is very docile..and great with the hens..I just wish I knew what he was..we have 2 light brahmas and a white rock in with him and one of the hens hatched 15 eggs from him..the chicks are beautiful colors..I would like to know if I should expect white eggs or brown from his chicks..the hens(mamas) are all brown layers but not sure what he will breed..any ideas..let me know! Thanks in advance! ;0)

Mixed breed
agree hes a mix.

very likely tan/brown egg laying daughters. There are multiple genes for tinting the eggshell, as a result it is very hard to get back to crisp white egg shells after a single cross of white x tinted/brown. So, just best to assume tinted/brown out of brown eggs. But he probably has genes for tan/brown eggs anyways- brown layers far outnumber white egg layers in the backyard hobby.
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Thanks everyone..that is what I thought too.. I love him just the same! The brown eggs are what I was after anyway so that is a plus! ;0) I appreciate everyone's replies!! It has just been the best experience ever having him and watching the hen set so dedicated and hatching all 15 eggs..now the babes are growing and I can't wait to see how they look full grown..My husband tried to give some of them away to my brother-in-law so instead when he came to pick them up I gave him some of our teenagers.. lol I can't let the ones we have hatched from egg go..not just yet anyway...

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