What breed is my rooster?

Looks like an australorp. Is he solid black, or kind of blue-grey? It's hard to tell from the pic. He's sure a nice big boy!
Looks like a black Australorp to me, Sumatra's have a small pea comb and long tail feathers and are a more slender birds. This fellow is a good size, maybe even an Orpington.

Very handsome fellow!!
He's an Australorp. Can't imagine how anyone who's ever seen a Sumatra could think he's a Sumatra. Other than being black he shares no characteristics with Sumatras.
yes he look like an Australorp or maybe since he is so big looking maybe he is a black jersey giant but look at the bottom of his feet that will tell you for sure

Yellow underfoot = Jersey Giant
White Underfoot = Black Australorp
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