What breed is my rooster?

When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.

A big black rooster, for free. The chances are much more likely he's a common, easily found breed like an australorp. Plus, he just looks like an australorp. Orpingtons are rounder, have fluffier bums. Black orpingtons are pretty rare and while I'm sure some culled roos are given away, I'd sure think the person giving them away would make a big deal about how rare and special the bird was.
Looks like an australorp. Is he solid black, or kind of blue-grey? It's hard to tell from the pic. He's sure a nice big boy!
Looks like a black Australorp to me, Sumatra's have a small pea comb and long tail feathers and are a more slender birds. This fellow is a good size, maybe even an Orpington.

Very handsome fellow!!
He's an Australorp. Can't imagine how anyone who's ever seen a Sumatra could think he's a Sumatra. Other than being black he shares no characteristics with Sumatras.
yes he look like an Australorp or maybe since he is so big looking maybe he is a black jersey giant but look at the bottom of his feet that will tell you for sure

Yellow underfoot = Jersey Giant
White Underfoot = Black Australorp
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