What breed is my Rooster?

Ok.... I see the faverolle, minus the beard. I see the grey gamebird, but feathery feet added...so Im sure you are right about him being a mix. I also came across something interesting on the internet...ISA Browns...

... Other than Tom's (thats our Roo's name...lol) darker lower half coloring, they look very similar to him.
In addition, the 2 hens who are no longer with us looked very similar to the pic of the ISA Brown hen that was at the same site (FeatherSite)...
Looks like a light-colored Wheaten Maran.

Marans can have feathers on their legs, especially the French versions.


Copper Black:

(Notice the feathers on the legs?)
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He looks a lot like my guy! I was told he was a mix. Ameraucana, game bird, RiR...that's what the guy thought he was. Mine also takes really good care of his girls. He's always sharing his treats.

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