What breed is this chicken?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 29, 2012
Somebody found this chicken under their porch and they had no idea what to do with him,so we took him because we have chickens. He about the size of a bantom chicken and hasn't grown at all. He makes a weird sound almost like a caw.

Does anybody know what breed he is and is it a boy or a girl?
how much and when does it craw ( as you put it ). He may be a young roo! have you checked its vent area? ( also known as its butt ). From the looks it appears if it was a girl then she would lay eggs by now. BTW it is BEAUTIFULL! Idk what breed it is but it looks like a mix
Well he might be a pullet but we've had him for a month and their is no noticeable growth. He caws all the time, I thought at first it was because he was thirsty but I see him drinking all the time. He's in a cage with food and water.
I'd say it's a young Production Red pullet. She probably has parasites and her growth has been stunted from it. Try worming her and see if that improves her weight.
I think it's a cockerel based on leg thickness and color, but I agree a better profile shot of the bird standing, including legs and tail, would help.

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