What breed is this girl?


Poultry In Motion
10 Years
Sep 16, 2009
Dover, TN

I thought my pretty girl was a Leghorn but she lays brown eggs...and I just read leghorns lay white. Clearly I am not a chicken genius as we named the poor girl "Forhorn". Any guesses as to what she is? Thanks!
Hahaha I had the same thing happen to me. I got a big white hen, the previous owner told me it lays white eggs, so I thought it must be a leghorn. But then I realized it did not look like a leghorn, and it's not even old enough to lay eggs anyway! So I'm pretty sure yours and mine both are white Plymouth Rocks.
Other than the color what makes a barred rock rock? reason I am asking is because I live in Tx where it gets so hot you want to wear a snow cone for a hat during the summer and so I was thinking on the white rocks because of the color heat scene?


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