What breed is this?

Good Morning everyone.

Like a month ago we noticed a chicken in the backyard. I didnt worry much because we have neighbours with chickens.
But im starting to think it didn't come from this specific neighbour i was thinking because they have a huuuuuge piece of land and his chickens are pretty far away from where i'm at.

anyway, long story short, there is now a chicken living with us. I have like a cluster of banana trees that she (i think its a she) made here home. I really like watching her do her "chicken stuff" , she seems happy, I put water, i bought some sunflowerseeds with some crunched corn and I throw like 3 hands full in the morning and 3 hands full later in the day like at 3-4pm.

The rest is up to her, she feeds off of bugs and grass and whatever there is in the ground.

I have attached some pictures of her, can anyone help me identify the breed? Or is this a wild/feral chicken?
Can anyone tell the age? Is it looking good?


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I agree with others, ask around to find if she belongs to someone, they may be looking for her. The last thing I would do is get her a rooster. A rooster needs more than one hen, she would most likely be over mated and would end up dying. I have seen two hens owned by someone else and one rooster. They both died from the wounds on them by being over bred. To me that would be a terribly cruel thing to happen.
Hello all, just wanted to share.

Today was the first time I saw her go into the bucket since the day I put it.

I just went to check and found an egg 😍

As you can see on the picture, I used just some cut grass as bedding..do I put more now or leave it as is?
She's going to lay a clutch of eggs there, maybe 6 or so, then she'll sit on them for three weeks to hatch a bunch of babies. I hope for her sake that they're fertile. If she's mated at any point in the last two weeks they should be, but if she hasn't then they'll just go bad
I agree with others, ask around to find if she belongs to someone, they may be looking for her. The last thing I would do is get her a rooster. A rooster needs more than one hen, she would most likely be over mated and would end up dying.
Because of the breed of hen she likely won't accept that much breeding.
I regularly mate pairs and I have never had that problem.
I have seen two hens owned by someone else and one rooster. They both died from the wounds on them by being over bred. To me that would be a terribly cruel thing to happen.
The commercial production type breeds are known for this behavior, but in breeds that have been selected for single mating, over mating hardly ever happens.
One instance of over breeding in your experience with someone else is not reason to believe that it'll happen every time.
Hello guys,

Thanks for the replies.

As stated before, where I live these chickens are everywhere. People own a small flock but they keep reproducing and they go away and become "semi wild"(I learned here the word Feral) and they live from the surroundings and start their new flocks near their original estate but they never go back.
This one happened to come here and no one knows where it came from. It has no owner.

About the eggs, she lays every other day. First was Sunday, then Tuesday, then Thursday, let's see what happens tomorrow Saturday. I remove the eggs, wash, put in fridge.

No rooster came by yet, I don't have any rooster either.

She seems happy, she eats well and the offwhite color of the eggs are nice in contrast to white or brown supermarket eggs.
I didn't try them yet, I'm waiting on the 4th egg tomorrow so i can boil em for the whole family can try together.
Sounds like there are roosters already there and the eggs are probably fertile.
They're pretty far, I never seen any near here.
But then again..I'm a total newbie to this.

Should I leave next eggs wherever she lays them(she lay eggs in 2 different places), and not touch them just to make sure?
The rooster crowing in the video sounds close to me. If she is free ranging, then I imagine she has hooked up and is laying fertile eggs. If you want her to sit and hatch the eggs you should probably keep them all in the same nest.
What island are you on?

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