What Breed is This?

The white legs and white skin may be from Light Sussex in one or both parents, which are commonly used in Red Sex Links crosses.

Yes that is what I said in my first post... probable sussex x ISA brown- common red sex link in Australia plus sussex also being common in that country. So we were guessing similarly.

your comment was taken as meaning two red sex link parents produced this chick. Not possible due to white skin as red sex links are typically yellow skinned.
Yes that is what I said in my first post... probable sussex x ISA brown- common red sex link in Australia plus sussex also being common in that country. So we were guessing similarly.

your comment was taken as meaning two red sex link parents produced this chick. Not possible due to white skin as red sex links are typically yellow skinned.

Sorry for the confusion. I simply meant that it appeared that a Red Sex Link was involved in the cross, not necessarily two Red Sex Links. Perhaps "second generation" wasn't the best term to use there as I can see how that would imply two Red Sex Links crossed, but we are definitely on the same page here. We could be wrong, but I'd almost be willing to bet that the white legs and skin are from Light Sussex.

I just got this bird was wondering what it could be? The lady I got her from said she was definitely a mix.
She looks like a cubalaya but the face of something else
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