What breed is your favorite in your flock?


Ocho 8 Farm

Sep 18, 2022
Southern Atlanta, GA
I was wondering what breed of chicken is your favorite one in your flock? By favorite I mean who is always looking for cuddles or just eager to see you, who lays eggs most consistently and who gets along with others….
I want a diverse flock but I want my flock to be friendly. I see them more as pets and producers of eggs. So who’s YOUR best breed ??
Thanks !
I was wondering what breed of chicken is your favorite one in your flock? By favorite I mean who is always looking for cuddles or just eager to see you, who lays eggs most consistently and who gets along with others….
I want a diverse flock but I want my flock to be friendly. I see them more as pets and producers of eggs. So who’s YOUR best breed ??
Thanks !
I have a black laced red Wyandotte named Nugget who is my favorite! She’s super friendly and smart! Savvy around the others in the flock and a real personality! She cracks me up all the time with her antics.
If you’re looking for a quirky bird that is very entertaining, I love Ameraucana’s too! Super intelligent bird. They love to perch too!
My Dorkings cover everything you ask about quite well. Sweet, docile birds, big cuddlers, steady egg layers even through the winter, never confrontational with the other birds, just all around solid hens. And they're beautiful, too :love

The other breeds I like most are bantams and not the greatest egg layers, but always at my feet for attention. Cochin bantams and Old English Game bantams. 🥰

Of course you know you're going to get different answers from everyone who posts. Gonna be hard to narrow it down if you're limited by space or the number of birds you can have. Good luck deciding!
Who is sweetest? Well, I have a few varieties & all have their sweeties, but that's how I raised them...with hugs. They know me, the sound of my voice. They've gotten to know my sweetheart & now love him, too.

Barred Rock, RIR & Wyandotte are not typically snuggle lap sitters, but once I put one on my lap, they're content while I fuss over them, check for mites, trim toe nails & pet.

My EEs, ISAs, Comets & Buff Orpingtons are the love bugs! ❤️ They will actually try to sit on my lap the moment I sit down. They'll even be tugging at my shirt sleeve if another chicken is getting too much attention...like hey Mom, what about me?

I have a few surprise mix breeds, they are a mix of who knows what, I kinda rescued them. They were skittish when I got them, but now they're ok with me picking them up & fussing over them. Befriending chickens is easy once they trust & know you mean no harm. I think when they witnessed me chasing off the hawks, I probably scored some brownie points then, too. 😆

I'd have to say, my EEs, ISA Browns & Comets are the most outgoing & congenial of all. The ISAs & Comets are the Most fearless though. Their curiosity outweighs any fear & they are the 1st to willingly jump in my lap or run up to me & they are very sweet with other chickens. If a another chicken tries to bully or peck them, they either totally ignore the bully or look at the bully with an expression...like hey Dude, what's up, no need to be miserable, life is good. 😆 It's really amazing, because usually in the pecking order, someone is Always chasing someone else, but the ISAs & Comets Do Not Run. They stand their ground, yet remain cheerful! Can't chase or bully a chicken that won't run or cower & stays cheerful.The bully looks at them like, "Oh, guess you just aren't into sparring", & then just walks away! Fight diffused & over before it starts! They are amazingly good natured, refusing to engage in petty squabbling, thereby ensuring peace & harmony.

I've added a few ISAs & Comets to groups that were always chasing or pecking & All petty bickering & pecking stopped! I don't know if anyone else has gotten these results, but I swear those cute little ISAs & Comets are the peace keepers in my flock & are quite dear to me. ❤️

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I don't know if anyone else has gotten these results

I do not, personally, recommend getting ISAs, Comets, or any other red sexlink hybrid if your intention is to keep them as pets. They tend to have a very short lifespan due to their super high egg production causing problems down the line. 🙁 I've not had a similar experience to what you describe because I stopped getting them years ago after I realized that almost every one of them died at 2-3 years of age from something related to egg laying, particularly internal laying and cancers of the reproductive tract, and those that made it past that age still generally died from those as well later on. It was just too heartbreaking for me to grow attached to a bird and then watch them go through that. I hope you have better luck than I did with yours as they age.

I do not, personally, recommend getting ISAs, Comets, or any other red sexlink hybrid if your intention is to keep them as pets. They tend to have a very short lifespan due to their super high egg production causing problems down the line. 🙁 I've not had a similar experience to what you describe because I stopped getting them years ago after I realized that almost every one of them died at 2-3 years of age from something related to egg laying, particularly internal laying and cancers of the reproductive tract, and those that made it past that age still generally died from those as well later on. It was just too heartbreaking for me to grow attached to a bird and then watch them go through that. I hope you have better luck than I did with yours as they age.
So sorry, I haven't lost any yet, some are 5 yrs old. I feed my whole flock the All Flock type of feed though, not feed for Layers. I provide calcium in a separate feeder if some feel the need to peck at it. I don't know if that makes a difference but as I have many roosters mixed in, I heard the Layer feeds can harm them, so everyone gets All Flock here. I still get plenty of eggs but some don't lay every single day & that's OK with me. Maybe I just got lucky with mine so far? I didn't know they may die young. 😔

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