what breed is your favorite?


In the Brooder
9 Years
10 Years
Jan 24, 2010
hi im getting my first batch of chicks in april and we are getting 4 ameracaunas,4 orpingtons,3 red rock crosses,3 rhode island reds,3 sex sal-link browns,and 3 red sussex crosses.what is every bodys favorite breed and they dont have to be these!!.
Please? Anyone who tells you they have a favorite is pulling your leg. I know full well they wouldn't pass up a chicken of any breed. Anyone who says they love chickens loves them all. I know I do.

Well maybe not silkies, cuz they aint' real chickens. I think they're spies from outerspace. I think someone wrote a book about them titled, "Aliens Among Us".
I think someone wrote a book about them titled, "Aliens Among Us".

I think that was about guineas. I've seen them on my big satellite dish trying to phone home a few times, LOL.

My favorite is the Barred Plymouth Rock, but I actually have several favs.​
Well, I am a new owner, but I love my Delawares and my Blue Orpington. So those are my favs now. But I would like to get an Americauna or two and when JamesA develops his Coronation Delawares, I am sure those will go on my list!
See, I don't lie. People are saying this or that is my favorite and then but "I like these and these too". ha, ha, ha, ha. Face it we just like chickens and we don't care if it's a mutt.
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Geepers!!! How on earth will I decide? I love my gentle laying Blue and Buff orps. I have the most fun and frequent eggs from my BR , She talks all the time. The sweetest sound. The EE's are exotic looking, friendly and those beautiful greenish blue eggs ,large and loads of them. Hummm Think I need a couple of the speckled sussex. I don't want to give any of them up. Sorry can't decide. Gloria Jean

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