What breed of bird is this?


Jul 7, 2010
Harts, West Virginia
I didn't know if this post would go on the chicken-what breed or gender discussion board, since it is definitely NOT a chicken. (Oh, and please ignore the date on these pictures, my camera is messed up >.< )

I am not even sure if this thing is even native to West Virginia......

Here it is


Here is a picture of it without the flash on:


It seems to have red eyes and a red spot right at the start of it's beak. It also has sage-looking feet.
Here is a better picture of its feet:

I don't know what it is either, but I'm eager to see what other people say! We have them too and they are very rare, I've only seen one. They sure are neat looking birds with their red eyes and green funny-looking feet!
Thanks to Sheila's link, I think it's an "American Coot." Check out this pic, it looks JUST like mine did with red eyes and funky feet: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl...d=1t:429,r:6,s:27&tx=62&ty=43&biw=800&bih=363 You can try googling "American Coot" for more great pics!

The one bird I saw was one that a barn cat caught. Man, was it aggressive! We wanted to rescue it, but it was fatally injured so we put it down.
It was a beautiful unique bird though!
Yup ,crazy old coot--probably why it ended up where it did. If I'm not mistaken it is also a protected species.

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