What breed of chicken is this and what can i do to adjust her behaviour


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
We were doing a rescue transport(dogs) 3 weeks ago and rescued this chicken froma gas station parking lot in the city. Can anyone tell me the breed? Also her leg was injured, she was limping, we quarintined her for 2 weeks from our flock or 15 , her leg is much better, but still has a slight limp. My issue with her behaviour is this. She was petrified when we caught her and for the first few days, but has become so use to one on one care and attention she has become a pain in the butt. We have tried putting her with our flock for short periods of time but she will not get more than a foot away from us and preferes to stay between our feet. We have snuck away from her a couple times and got out of the fence but she goes nutz trying to get thru the fence to us screaming and squaking and feathers flying, im afraid she is going to injur herself. She is terrified of the other chickens and they have actually not even harmed her in any way. They cant even get close enough before she flips out. I know this sounds ridiculious but what the heck am i supposed to do with her. She wants to be held all the time or sit on my sons head or shoulder, shes perfectly content there. We take her out to the chicken fence daily to try to integrate her into the flock but it isnt working, they have a huge house, large enclosed fenced aread and a huge outdoor fence without a roof we let them out during the day in. What more does this girl want...Suggestions are very appreciated...Thanks
Tell us where you are, or perhaps start a new thread with that information in it, and it is possible someone who wants a pet chicken will come and get her? Hopefully she would adapt to her new human as well as she has to you and your son. Sounds like she has been feral pretty much since birth.
We are just outside of Winchester VA...I just cant believe she doesnt seem to realize shes a chicken and should hang with chickens not people....
She looks llike an Americana with the green legs and head shape. I don't know if I spelled the breed name right. She will lay green eggs.

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