What breed of chicken is this? Found free-range in RI. (Pics inside)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 3, 2008
Central Maine
I found this chicken wandering around in the parking lot outside a local diner in rural Rhode Island and snapped a few pictures to see if someone here could ID the breed for me. The hen kind of resembles a buttercup but without the distinctive comb. Any ideas on what the breed could be?





On a different note I don't understand how the chickens in the parking lot outside that restaurant (there were 10-15 of them) can survive without getting run over by all of the cars pulling in and backing out every day. I guess they're smarter than I give them credit for.
EE, pretty feathering but what a horrible case of scaly leg mites. That's gotta hurt, and she isn't the only one.

Owner, if any, needs educating!
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Legmites, that explains those chubby legs... she's a cross that's for sure, has a little head that makes me think of an OEGB, feathering like my EE's from Welp. Pretty girl that's for sure

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