What breed of chicken is this?


11 Years
Aug 23, 2008
New Palestine Indiana
I got 3 hens from a friend - 2 ameracaunas, which we knew at least 1 was a mix because she had no ear tufts or beard, and this one that I don't know what breed she is. I even wondered at first if it was a she - big comb, waddles, skittish - but her feathers and body type say hen, and she acts like a hen in the flock. Any info would be appreciated.




Thanks so much!!! Glad to know what she is. Some one has been secretly laying a white egg lately - do andalusians lay white or brown eggs? All my others lay brown except for my new "Amercaunas" - and I expect that at least one of them (pea comb / noticable, small waddles / ameracauna coloring but no ear tufts or beard) will lay brown also. I thought it was the larger of the "ameracaunas" laying during the night, but maybe????
Is it possible that The Ameracaunas are actually Easter Eggers? If they are you will get green/blue eggs. The Blue Andalusians lay white eggs.
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Thanks! The eggs I have been finding are a pale creamy color, almost have a pink tint in certain light. Had eggs for dinner or I'd send a picture! Maybe tomorrow.

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