What breed of chicken should I breed?


Jul 24, 2018
I want something that will lay 4-5 times a week, rareish, has a good hatch rate, cold hardy and would sell well. Anyway, what would you recommend as a good breed to breed?
Check out the Livestock Consevancy web page, the list rare and endangered breeds. If you are really interested in maintaining a specific breed, I would recommend getting eggs from a private breeder. They are usually truer to the breed than a hatchery because good breeders will pay more attention to specific traits rather than commercial hatchery production.
Check out the Livestock Consevancy web page, the list rare and endangered breeds. If you are really interested in maintaining a specific breed, I would recommend getting eggs from a private breeder. They are usually truer to the breed than a hatchery because good breeders will pay more attention to specific traits rather than commercial hatchery production.
I ordered off of chickens for backyards, and I got beautiful healthy chickens!

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