What breed of regular sized chicken is this??


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2020
This is a 3-3 1/2 old chick that I bought at Rural King. It came out of a ‘hatchery special’ straight run bin. There were like at least 10 troughs full of these mixed up pure breed chicks. There were Rhode Island Red, barred rocks, Wyandottes (looked like silver laced) etc etc. I was going for barred rock females with little to no head spot and picked this one accidentally. But other than being mostly solid black and coming with hairy legs...it nearly matched my barred rocks at first lol Anyone know what (he) it is? (Showing roo qualities)
This is a 3-3 1/2 old chick that I bought at Rural King. It came out of a ‘hatchery special’ straight run bin. There were like at least 10 troughs full of these mixed up pure breed chicks. There were Rhode Island Red, barred rocks, Wyandottes (looked like silver laced) etc etc. I was going for barred rock females with little to no head spot and picked this one accidentally. But other than being mostly solid black and coming with hairy legs...it nearly matched my barred rocks at first lol Anyone know what (he) it is? (Showing roo qualities)View attachment 2174214
Looks like a Black Cochin. Cute chick! Looks like a cockerel.

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