What breed of Utility Pigeons you prefer?

pigeons in ak

6 Years
Oct 15, 2013
I would like to start raising utility pigeons but not sure on what breed I want to get I was thinking of getting some giant runts or mondains but I want to know what kind of utility pigeons you prefer?
I would like to start raising utility pigeons but not sure on what breed I want to get I was thinking of getting some giant runts or mondains but I want to know what kind of utility pigeons you prefer?
Hi.. I have utility king pigeons.

Most of mine of pure white.. they look like big fluffy doves.

They are very good breeders and prolific.. I often use them to foster other breeds squabs too.

They are calm and easy to tame... and very big (if you want to eat them).

Very hardy.. not had any problems with diseases. They can fly quite well.. which I like as I let them out each day to free range in the garden where they can pick at grit and plants and have a bath in the pond.

They keep producing round after round of squabs.. and the parents never get tired or worn out. Super birds all round really.
Kings do sound nice but I would probably want some thing bigger.

The Bigger The Better right?
Giant homers dress out at two pounds supposedly,and I've wanted to get some locally, but guy on here near me wants fodty dollars per bird.. A friend saw some cheap at a sale said, but she didn't pick me any up, said they were standard chicken size. my normal homing white racing pigeons, have lots of meat n multi purpose pets. they are well over size of utility kings etc seen here.

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