What breed or mix are these hens?


6 Years
Jan 20, 2014

I bought them for $10 each on Craigslist. The owner did not speak English, so her teenage son met with me to show me the hens. He said that they are organic egg layers and usually lay very well, 5-6 eggs per week. I'm sure they will not lay for a bit because of relocation stress but it will be nice to have fresh eggs once they do. Our Bielefelder juveniles are only 2 months old so we will be waiting a while for eggs from them ;). I think these new hens are so pretty, what breed do you think they might be?
Nope, not a Serama. Too big, wrong body shape. Serama are like little U shaped bird, their tails pretty much touch their heads and their wings hang downward.
They are pretty full in the body. I am almost positive that the speckled one is an Ancona hen, there was another there that looked pure Ancona that I didn't take. The black one has a much shorter back, I will try to get a better picture of her. The son said he couldn't remember what breed his mom said they were but he does remember that she said they are not game bred. He said most of them were pure breeds but he couldnt remember what, said breed names didn't sound familiar to him but that he didn't know much about chickens beyond basic care. They were well kept and pens were clean and orderly. He said his mom fed them organic feed.

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