What breed to choose?


7 Years
Jun 25, 2013
Dayton Ohio
I am chicken less for the first time in 8 years! I am up dating my coops and limiting myself to one breed. My old set up was for Barnevelders and a group of mix hens. Then with servals predator attacks and a inherited flock of mixed breeds of chickens, my plans where foiled. After rehome all my birds and a soon to come much needed update, I decides to do a small breeding set up. I would like a endangered or rare breed. What breed would you suggest?
If it were me, I'd start with bantams (I don't care what mix breed they are) and breed with an eye towards making them even smaller... I'd love to have some Kikiriki chickens (the tea-cup poodle in the chicken world)... Probably not as prestigious as breeding pure breeds or endangered, but would be so satisfying to me :D
My choice was Rhode Island Whites. They are not endangered but on the threatened list. I have been raising them for years.

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