What breed will give me a true tinted egg?


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
I have been choosing my chick breeds largely based on egg color- I would like to have the whole spectrum of colors. I thought I would get a salmon Faverolle for my tinted egg layer but many sites say they lay brown eggs. Is there any breeds that are certain to lay tinted or cream colored eggs? Thanks for the help.
That is such a good question. I hope that the forum will provide all the answers that you need.


The above chart may give you some ideas....
I love that each of my layers lays an egg that I can recognize who it belongs to. It would be neat to keep my flock that way forever. I have two Barred Plymouth Rocks, and they each lay a slightly different color of light brown. IT makes me think that even within the breed, there may be some color variation.
I found that extremely helpful and informative! Thank you ChicKat!
I didn't realize turken eggs could be tinted, I love their look and my feed store will be getting them. I think maybe I will go with turken. :)

I have built up my flock to have a wide variety of colored eggs. My colored layers are Easter eggers, Olive eggers, Light Brahma, Welsummers, and mixes that lay different tan, and browns

Kadjain, your egg colors are totally what I am shooting for! Love the olive colored eggs, so pretty.

My feed store is also getting Russian orloff chicks in a month, and supposedly those chickens have tinted eggs...
I don't know much about the Orloff's other that they are really pretty birds. I also wanted to build up my flock to be very colorful. I have about 30 birds of many different breeds: Games, bantams, cross breeds and different laying breeds: RIR's, EE's, BR's, W. Leghorns.

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