What breeds are my hens?


Jun 3, 2020
About a year ago we got some pullets from a lady in another city. She said one of them was an extra chick she got in her order. There are two other ones that she said were Wyandottes but they have weird combs. Any ideas on what they are? We assume the mystery hen is a pure Ameraucana but she doesn’t have the muffs.

This should be a white Wyandotte her “rose comb” looks weird

This next one is the mystery. I think she has a pea comb and she lays beautiful light teal eggs about 3 times a week

this girl is supposed to be a blue Wyandotte. Again her comb looks weird and she has some rusty feathers in her neck. She’s currently recovering from a fox so she looks a little beat up.

Sorry... I know that’s a lot but any help would be appreciated
#1 looks to be a white Wyandotte...if she is a more heavy set hen (Wyandottes have been described as a "gravy bowl" type profile). Side profile would be good...but my guess is a commercial quality Wyandotte, which can have sub-standard combs. (Where did she get them?)

#2 looks to be an Easter Egger (especially with the teal colored eggs) It is NOT a standard color for Ameraucana, lacks beard and muff, so can't be.

#3...hmmm....odd comb and earlobe. Sometimes commercial lines can have really non-standard combs...I'm not honestly sure. Could be a poorly bred Wyandotte. Not blue but blue copper.

My thoughts
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#1 looks to be a white Wyandotte...if she is a more heavy set hen (Wyandottes have been described as a "gravy bowl" type profile). Side profile would be good...but my guess is a commercial quality Wyandotte, which can have sub-standard combs. (Where did she get them?)

#2 looks to be an Easter Egger (especially with the teal colored eggs) It is NOT a standard color for Ameraucana, lacks beard and muff, so can't be.

#3...hmmm....odd comb and earlobe. Sometimes commercial lines can have really non-standard combs...I'm not honestly sure. Could be a poorly bred Wyandotte. Not blue but blue copper.

My thoughts

I have seen things that say that there are a few lines of pure-bred Ameraucanas that don’t have muffs or beards, so they obviously don’t conform to the standard, but they are pure blood
The Ameraucana Society is very strict in America. To be considered Ameraucana it must have beard and muff, pea combed, and be one of the standard colors. There are other standards in other countries, usually tail less and tufted.

In America, if it doesn't have beard and muff, it is not pure bred. If it is not standard colored it is considered a project bird There has been a lot of dilution of the breed from hatcheries and even scammers over the blue egg gene.

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